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Steve Williams, Policy Entrepreneurship Program Facilitator & Co- Designer

SGW_headshot_1To do good work, you need to engage with your customers, your employees, your supporters and even your detractors.  The more clearly you can articulate your goals and demonstrate your success the easier it is for you to attract the capital – social, human and financial – you need to accelerate your innovations. Helping you tell your story simply, credibly, and transparently is what Steve does with Constructive Public Engagement. Steve specializes in Corporate Social Responsibility design, evaluation, impact measurement, and data visualization for sustainability. He is a technology strategist designing and facilitating participant-driven public engagement events.

He was SAP Director of Corporate Social Responsibility, managing global technology donation and skilled volunteer programs. He has over 20 years experience in the software industry combined with years of deep engagement in the social sector including expertise in transparency, accountability, and strategic communication. Steve holds a BA in Political Science from the University of Western Ontario, an MBA in Management of Technology from Simon Fraser University, a Certificate in Community Economic Development from SFU, a Graduate Diploma in Social Innovation at the University of Waterloo and is just starting his PhD in Resource Management and Environmental Studies at UBC working with John Robinson as thesis supervisor.

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