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Innovation Expert and GE3LS Researcher, Jeremy Hall, on Entrepreneurship

jeremyhallpicJeremy Hall (PhD, University of Sussex) is a Professor at the Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University, and Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Engineering and Technology Management (2013 impact factor: 2.106).

His research interests include new technology development, the social impacts of innovation & entrepreneurship, sustainable supply chains and strategies for sustainable development. Much of his research has been conducted in Brazil.

Jeremy’s work has been published in Business Strategy and the Environment, California Management Review, Ecological Economics, Energy Policy, Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, Journal of Cleaner Production, International Journal of Production Research, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Operations Management, MIT Sloan Management Review, Research Policy, Research-Technology Management, Technological Forecasting & Social Change and Technovation.

He has been awarded over $1.3 million in funding from Genome Canada and SSHRC among others.

We recently had a chance to interview Jeremy on his view on entrepreneurship:

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