Genome Canada
Genome Canada is a catalyst for developing and applying genomic sciences that create economic wealth and social benefit for Canadians. They work in partnership to invest in and manage large-scale research and translate discoveries into commercial opportunities, new technologies, applications and solutions. They build bridges between government, academia and industry to forge a genomics-based public-private innovation focused on key life science sectors. Click here to read the Genome Canada Strategic Plan 2012-2017.
Genome BC
Genome British Columbia is a non-profit research organization that invests in and manages large-scale genomics and proteomics research projects and enabling technologies focused on areas of strategic importance such as human health, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture, energy and mining and agri-food.
Mitacs Step
Mitacs Step program trains graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in essential interpersonal, project management and entrepreneurial skills required for them to succeed in their future career.
LifeSciences BC
LifeSciences BC is a not-for-profit, non-government, industry association that supports and represents the life sciences community of British Columbia through leadership, faciliation of investment and partnering, advocacy, and promotion of our world-class science and industry.
Forests and Communities in Transition (FACT)
FACT is a UBC Faculty of Forestry initiative dedicated to research, dialogue and knowledge exchange by fostering a global network of researchers and communities working in partnership with governments, non-government organizations, academia, industry and others to contribute to the development of more resilient and liveable forest-dependent communities.
UBC Sustainability Initiative
USI fosters partnerships and collaborations that extend beyond traditional boundaries of disciplines, sectors and geographies to address the critical issues of our time.
BC Bioenergy Network
BC Bioenergy Network is an industry-led initiative that is the catalyst for deploying near-term bioenergy technologies and supporting mission-driven research to build a world class bioenergy capability in BC.
Student Biotechnology Network (SBN)
SNB inspires students to be the next innovative leaders in biotechnology through education about career opportunities and connection with today’s industry leaders.
Graduate Pathways to Success (GPS)
UBC’s GPS program provides workshops, seminars and other activities designed to complement your graduate program’s academic curriculum and mentorship experience.