Happy New Year
genomics.entrepreneurship@UBC would like to wish you all a Happy New Year! We look forward to a productive 2013 as we welcome a new Partner Project and new interns to our team.
New Partnership
genomics.entrepreneurship@UBC is excited to announce our new partner, Applied Metagenomics of a Watershed Microbiome!
This innovative project, led by Drs. Patrick Tang and Judy Isaac-Renton, monitors water quality and protects the health of one of Canada’s greatest natural resources. While current water-quality tests rely on the detection of coliform bacteria and E. coli of water from the tap, this project uses metagenomics (the study of microbial communities) to discover novel indicators in water straight from the watershed. This preventative approach protects water at the source, thereby preserving quality of the water available for all life, not just for humans. Metagenomics is also used to measure the impact of pollution on the microbiome (viruses, bacteria and protists), which can create tests to monitor these changes to detect and to pinpoint the source of pollution.
Learn more at www.watersheddiscovery.ca.
Front Row (L to R): Dr. William Hsiao, Jennifer Law, Dr. Patrick Tang, Dr. Natalie Prystajecky, Dr. Fiona Brinkman, Thea Van Rossum, Gemma Dunn, Michael Peabody, Dr. Richard Moore
Back Row (L to R): Dr. Joan Rose, Tyler Nelson, Dr. Tom Edge, Dr. Vural Ozdemir, Dr. Erik Fisher, Dr. Judy Isaac-Renton, Dr. Matthew Croxen, Dr. Miguel Uyaguari Diaz, Alvin Tian, Dr. Eric Wommack
Intern Feature
Steven Breckon, Video Intern
In our Intern Feature series, we will profile g.e@ubc interns and their work with our partner projects. In our first interview of the series, meet Steven, our talented intern who created the beautiful AdapTree video featured in our December 2012 newsletter. Read what Steven has to say about his experience and what he learned during his internship on his profile page.
Watch Steven’s video for the Next-Generation Integrated Pest Management Tools for Beekeeping project, featuring beekeeper Liz Huxter, on the importance of genomics as a tool to maintain the health of bee colonies.
For more of Steven’s work, including new videos on the Bee IPM project from both researcher and end-user points of view, please visit Steven’s profile page.
genomics.entrepreneurship@UBC would like to welcome two new interns, Adam Freud and Molly Moshofsky.
Adam Freud, Faculty of Law
Adam will be working closely with Dr. Emily Marden on the Genomics of Sunflower project. Some of his duties will include reviewing intellectual property and biosafety regimes, researching possible harmonization of Canadian plant breeders’ right regime, researching potential biosafety pathways for products, and interviewing stakeholders on potential barriers to innovation relating to intellectual property or biosafety.
Molly Moshofsky, Faculty of Forestry
Molly is a member of the Adaptree team. She will be working with Lee Charleson from the Tree Improvement Branch at Ministry of Forestry to identify preliminary work on BC indigenous persons’ perspectives on climate change adaptation with particular focus on seed use on Crown land. Themes addressed include climate change adaptation and strategies, the linkages between community economic prosperity and climate change, and identifying methods to develop an understanding of the First Nation communities’ beliefs on climate change. This project will be useful in guiding future policy development and consultation plans concerning assisted migration of plant species.
Animation Intern Posting
genomics.entrepreneurship@UBC is looking for an intern to develop short animation vignettes to translate complex scientific information into user-friendly and engaging formats for the general public. For more information on the position, please visit the posting.
Do you know a student in any discipline who would like to do an internship with one of our partner projects, or have an opening for an intern on your team?
If so, please feel free to contact us. For more information on our Internship Program, please visit genomics.entrepreneurship.ubc.ca/internships.
Upcoming Events
genomics.entrepreneurship@UBC Workshops
Introduction to Interacting with the Media Workshop
January 30th, 2013
genomics.entrepreneurship@UBC is presenting the Introduction to Interacting with the Media workshop with Brian Lin, Senior Communications Coordinator, and Heather Amos, Assistant Communications Coordinator, with UBC Public Affairs. This lunch-hour workshop provides a framework so that, when working with the media to convey your genomics project’s ‘story’ and objectives, you can take control and respond in a relaxed and confident manner. A light lunch will be provided at the workshop. For more information and to register, visit the course page.
More Workshops
In addition to the workshops hosted by genomics.entrepreneurship@UBC, we will keep you posted on events of interest on the genomics/entrepreneurship front offered by UBC, Mitacs and other organizations.
Discovering the Entrepreneur Within
January 25th, 2013
Would you like to be an entrepreneur, do you have what it takes? Discover the important traits required to be a successful entrepreneur, how to assess risk, what makes a good business plan – and how to pitch it! Join Mitacs Step for an informative and interactive full-day workshop. Register here.
Molecular Biology Workshop
February 18th to 23rd, 2013
The Michael Smith Labs and Advanced Molecular Biology Lab is presenting the Molecular Biology Workshop with Dr. Dave Ng. This intense 5-day workshop will focus on a myriad of different techniques used in the molecular manipulation of DNA, RNA and protein, as well as inclusion of lectures of high throughput genomic techniques. Primarily aimed at researchers who are new to the area, familiar but require a quick updating, or would like more practical bench training. To register or to inquire about the workshop, please visit bioteach.ubc.ca/mb-workshops.
Useful Genetics
May 2013
Rosemary Redfield, Professor of Zoology, is offering a Useful Genetics course this May. While not specifically focussed on the natural resource sector, as the course title suggests, it promises to offer a thorough understanding of gene function and inheritance, with a practical focus enabling you to apply this understanding to real-world issues, both personal and societal. We think it is an exciting course, and will be taught online in a free ‘open education’ format. If you’d like more information, visit the course page or check out the video introduction below.
You can view all upcoming genomics.entrepreneurship@UBC events on our Events calendar.
genomics.entrepreneurship@UBC is now on Twitter! Follow us at @UBC_GenEnt for up-to-date news.
Not on Twitter? Read how Twitter can be useful in expanding your network of “trusted experts” from whom to get advice or help, following the latest science news or conferences, and much more in the “Why should scientists use Twitter?” article.
Newsletter Subscriptions
If you would like to receive monthly genomics.entrepreneurship@UBC updates in the future, please sign up here.